Main Activities

Steps to accelerate the decarbonisation

Workpackages and Activities

Mapping Stakeholders and Priorities

  • Description of the maritime transport sector in the Atlantic area (key actors, current initiatives on decarbonisation, ongoing projects, etc.)
  • Identification of gaps, needs, stakeholders and technology providers/users in maritime decarbonisation
  • Organization of 4 regional workshops to involve stakeholders and present the project’s objectives, actions and expected outputs

Profiling Technologies

  • Decarbonisation Tech ID and Mapping: Scientific and Technological innovation Assessment and Forecasting innovation Trends
  • Environmental, Social and Economic Assessment: Establish a private and social cost-benefit analysis of each innovative technology
  • Innovation Matching: Regional matching analysis of decarbonisation needs with identified technology profiles

SMARTDEC Maritime Decarbonisation Network

  • Establishment of platform governance and guidelines
  • Communication campaign
  • Creation of interactive platform to serve as a technology showcase and networking and opportunity tool

Accelerating Promising Innovations

  • Matching innovative profiled solutions with regional needs
  • Open call for solution providers to select the most promising technologies
  • Deploying business support to up-grade and prepare the selected promising innovations (i.e. environmental impact planning, financial planning) 
  • Sharing best practices and recommendations for maritime transport decarbonisation informed by the preparatory actions for future demonstration pilots

Legacy and Policy Recommendations

  • Workshop with regional authorities to exchange best practices, share results and nurture content
  • Production of policy recommendations
  • Engaging with EU policy makers and relevant EU organisms through High Level Final Event: 
  • Exploring the transferability of the SMARTDEC  model and defining a strategy for its legacy
SMARTDEC actions over the next 3 years


Currently under development