Main partners
Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique
Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique is a maritime innovation cluster. With a triple helix network including around 440 members, the association is active in six innovation areas: Maritime Defence, Security, Marine and Nautical, Marine Energy and Mineral Resources, Marine Biological Resources, Coastal and Marine Environment, Ports, Infrastructure and Logistics.
Universidade de Aveiro
Região de Aveiro
Aveiro – Universidade de Aveiro, CESAM R&D Center – Created in 1973, the University of Aveiro (UAveiro) mission covers three major areas- education & training, research & innovation and cooperation with society. UAveiro is currently included in the 500 best universities according to the Shanghai Ranking and classifies as the best national university for six topic areas including Environmental Sciences.
Lead Partner – Profiling Technologies
Portuguese National Hub
Main Contacts
Pays de la Loire
Atlanpole is the incubator/accelerator for the Pays de la Loire Region in France certified by the Ministry of Research and Innovation. Atlanpole is also an innovation hub for clusters of Western France including the Sea Innovation Cluster of Western France (PMBA).
Lead Partner – Accelerating Promising Innovations
French National Hub
Main Contacts
Irish Maritime Development Office
Co. Galway
The Marine Institute: The Institute is a non-commercial semi-state body, which was formally established by statute (Marine Institute Act, 1991) in October 1992. Under the Act, the Marine Institute was given the responsibility: “to undertake, to co-ordinate, to promote and to assist in marine research and development and to provide such services related to marine research and development, that in the opinion of the Institute will promote economic development and create employment and protect the marine environment”.
Joint Lead Partner – Mapping Stakeholders and Priorities
Irish National Hub
Main Contacts
Conférence des Régions Périphériques Maritimes d’Europe
Ille et Vilaine
The CPMR represents some 150 maritime regions in 24 European Union countries and beyond. It is both a think tank and an interest group for regional and local governments. Since its inception in 1973, the CPMR has been acting to promote a more balanced development of the European territory.
Lead Partner – Legacy and Policy Recommendations
Contributor Hubs of the Atlantic Arc Regions
Main Contacts
Cluster maritimi-marino de Andalucia
The non-profit association, Maritime Marine Cluster of Andalusia, was founded in 1993 in order to promote marine maritime activities in the region and in line with EU Blue Growth policies. A total of 100 companies are represented by the organization, mainly small and medium-sized businesses and territorial organizations representing different sectors of the marine industry. For the promotion of research, development, and innovation in the blue economy and growth, it maintains close collaboration with universities in the Andalusian region, as well as public and private research institutions.
Joint Lead Partner – Mapping Stakeholders and Priorities
Spanish National Hub
Main Contacts
Fórum Oceano – Associação da Economia do Mar
Area Metropolitana do Porto
Forum Oceano Fórum Oceano – Association of Maritime Economy is a private non-profit corporate body created in 2009 and since then formally recognised by the Portuguese Government as the National Blue Economy Cluster, under the EC policy for industrial clusters. With 136 members representing all sectors of the blue economy, among them companies and business associations, RTD centres, higher education institutions, local authorities and other associative organisations, the cluster strengthens the dynamics of strategic cooperation between the members and other relevant stakeholders, whilst promoting the competitiveness of the main value chains that use the sea and marine resources as the central elements of its activity.
Definition and implementation – Accelerating Promising Innovations
Portuguese National Hub
Main Contacts
Fundación Puerto y Ría de Bilbao
Fundación Puerto y Ría de Bilbao (FPB) purpose is to promote and develop plans and actions of general interest with a wide sociocultural and recreational projection that allows a better knowledge of the present and historical relevance of the Port of Bilbao in the economic, social, and cultural development and the integration of the riverside municipalities of Bilbao. the Nervión estuary. Created in March 1st 2011.
Mapping of stakeholders and priorities – Accelerating Promising Innovations
Spanish National Hub
Main Contacts