Key Outputs

Smart clusters for maritime decarbonisation

SMARTDEC Main Outputs

Regional mapping of stakeholders and identification of maritime transport decarbonisation priorities

Regional stakeholders and priorities mapping

Report on the state of the maritime transport sector in the Atlantic area

Report on gaps, needs, stakeholders and technology providers/users in decarbonisation

4 regional workshops to involve stakeholders and present the project’s objectives, actions and expected outputs

Profiling maritime decarbonisation technologies: environmental, social and economic aspects

description of existing technologies

Regional technology mapping workshops

Catalog of innovation technologies for maritime decarbonisation

Forecasting report on future technology trends

Smart clusters for maritime decarbonisation

Implementation of the Atlantic network SMARTDEC

SMARTDEC Interactive Platform – Matchmaking

Establishment of three quadruple helix governing committees

National Hubs to implement, develop and transfer SMARTDEC activities (FR, IR, SP, PT)

SMARTDEC framework and internal policies

SMARTDEC communication tools

Set up and acceleration of promising innovations for the decarbonisation of maritime transport sector

deployment of promising technologies

Open Calls for innovations to address key challenges

List of selected promising innovations for maritime transport decarbonisation in the Atlantic Area

Local feedback workshops

Guide compiling the best practices in maritime transport decarbonisation

SMARTDEC impact and legacy

Decision support

Workshops with regional authorities to exchange best practices, share results and nurture content

European and regional level policy recommendations document